Reasons to consider React Native for your next Mobile Application Development

August 11, 2016

When we say Mobile Application Development, there comes two major ecosystems. To develop iOS and Android app, we need experts in Swift or Objective C, Java, Android SDK, Cocoa Touch. Hey! the list keeps growing with other testing tools and libraries of both these ecosystems. Developers managing two codebase on these two platforms and delivering world-class Application experiences in both these platforms and adding up new features to the product effectively, in a defined timeline and Optimizing the Product in-line with latest SDK releases of both the ecosystems. It simply and just takes time. So, Let�s understand the promising features of React Native and how is it going to reduce our complexity in two types of codebase and the React Native ways to build Mobile Applications in a Quick and effective way.

1) Learn Once, Write Anywhere

React Native enable us to build world-class application experiences on both iOS and Android platforms using a consistent experience only in JavaScript and React. Under the hood React Native uses JavaScript engine of the mobile environment and execute our JavaScript there. That�s it, you need to learn only javascript, now you have a single and consistent environment to develop in.

2) Exact Native Look & Feel and Performance

With React Native, we build a real mobile app that�s indistinguishable from an app built using Objective-C or Java. React Native uses exact iOS and Android UI Components and just put those UI Components together using JavaScript and React. One major unique difference is, React Native runs the JavaScript code on the background thread separate from main thread. So the user interface does not block. Animations are graceful. As a result, React Native apps are graceful and responsive.

3) Faster Development

React Native provides hot reloading, which means every time you don�t need to wait for your Xcode or Android Studio to finish its recompiling. You can just reload your app instantly or see your changes lively when you code. React Native puts their javascript code in a single bundle. This bundle is either served from server or bundled in our application. This means a developer can also utilize the Chrome (or Safari) developer tools for debugging. For UI Designing React Native includes Flexbox CSS styling, inline styling. These features of React Native will enable mobile application development to catch up the speed.

4) Faster Updation

Everyone might went through these days, where we need to update our App with new features or bug fixes instantly. Especially with iOS there comes review process which may take at least two days. Recently Apple has allowed us to update the app over the air using JavaScriptCore without going through the App Store review process again. So using CodePush, we can deploy our App new features directly to user devices.

5) Native module

At One point of time for some module in your app, if you intended to write platform-specific code inorder to make use of platform-specific API, you can simply and just do that too in React Native by writing "native module" a bridging between the host platform and your JavaScript code. Its very simple to write a native module. Facebook has clearly documented on this.

6) Reusability

With React Native enable us to share Application logic across the two platforms which means, we can nearly reuse 70% of code between iOS and Android. It's worth mentioning, that Facebook stated that their Ad Manager application has 87% of code reuse across the two platforms.

7) Resources

Its really very simple and easy to Getting Started with React Native. Here is the list of some of best available Resources. official React Native website where you can find all materials to get started. the complete list of articles tutorial and code samples and resources for React Native. http://www.reactnative.comhere you can find available React Native IDE, tools and latest news on React Native. comes the list of React Native latest Components. here you can look into the list of React Native apps available in the store.

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