5 Mistakes to Avoid While Hiring an Offshore Team

March 30, 2016

Have you been hunting for the rightproduct development partner? It's certainly not a cakewalk - you need to look out for the perfect blend of professional expertise and implementation skills. An ideal offshore development partner should not only specialize in all the different facets of core product development, but should also be extremely good at concept execution. Each phase of the product life-cycle has to be well-executed with the right focus. They should be proven masters in product customization as well. Quick adaptability to the new working environment, despite cultural diversities is certainly an added advantage.

Do not let prejudices lead you to a wrong match. Here is a checklist of all the factors that need to be kept in mind while hiring an ideal offshore productdevelopment team. You are sure to agree that prevention is a thousand times better than putting yourself through tedious remedial measures. In fact, to make it easy for you, we have come up with a handful of likely mistakes you have to watch out for!

1. Misinterpretations

Although your offshore team members are mostly adept in speaking proper English, you need to keep in mind that it is not their mother tongue. Since it is an acquired language for them, the everyday expressions they make in English might sound strange to your ears. To avert embarrassments, be extra careful while choosing words. Be very clear and do not hesitate to repeat if required. Ask for prompt clarifications and also make sure you have communicated effectively with your partners at the other end. Since direct face-to-face communication with your offshore team is a rarity, there should essentially be someone who takes up the role of your point of contact. That said, you cannot be oblivious to the hidden cost that comes along in the form of telephone and internet charges. But, most often it cannot be helped and you must remain well-connected.

2. High Expectations

Expecting your offshore partner to be a master of all trades is another likely mistake you may stumble upon. You might have hired the company because it has showcased itself as a veteran in web development. But like any other team it is likely to have a combination of strengths and weaknesses. What is required is a close assessment of their skills base. You need to assess their expertise by analyzing their completed development projects and the time taken for completion. Look for specialized talent in product development such as conceptualization, documentation, designing, product modernization, domain expertise, etc. Once you identify their strengths, you can easily make use of their prowess and compensate for their limitations, if any. By rightly complimenting each other's skills, you and your offshore team can together get the work done smoothly before product launch deadlines.

3. Improper Coordination

The time differential factor that exists between your continents is in fact advantageous, provided there is proper mutual coordination. Even after you have called it a night, the work is getting done smoothly at the other side of the globe. The very thought is a relief, especially if you are working on tight deadlines. But there may arise certain stages in a project's life cycle when you need instant answers to get going. It is indeed a big disaster if, due to awful coordination, it takes a day or two to get a question resolved. Do not let such simple clarifications be a test on your patience! It would be ideal if both parties can work out a convenient time slot by adjusting their work schedules, to iron out the time differential headache.

4. Wrong Assumptions

Keep reminding yourself that offshore workers have had quite a different exposure to life, and their business experiences are entirely different from yours. All the elements in the product proposal must be made very specific and apparent. Clarity of design is extremely important also because your offshore team members might keep changing on a daily basis. Although the team remains the same, people associating with your work today may not be ones who take it up tomorrow. So never dare to assume. Instead detail it all clearly.

5. Outmoded Technology

Profound and promptly updated technical know-how is a must have for an ideal offshore team. Make sure you are linking up with a team that keeps itself efficient with the latest technological trends. And remember, the right team may not always be a big team. �The bigger, the better� is indeed a wrong notion when it comes to hiring your offshore partner. Sometimes, it is better not to tie up with an offshore biggie because too many resources working on your project might spoil it in the end.

The fastest result, without compromising on quality, and at a low total cost of ownership is precisely what you need. Who among them can provide the highest return on your investment is the big question. Now that you know the possible pitfalls, avoid them all and get going the right way. Pay heed and make your experience a hassle free one. Are you still apprehensive? Perhaps you cannot simply get over the fear of uncertainty associated with offshore teams? If so, why not acquire the services of an offshore staffing company. Let them guide you to a reliable team with the right talents that suits your project the best. Whether you're looking to outsource a development project offshore, or interested in expanding your team with staff augmentation, we've got you covered.

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