Patient Monitoring System Interface for Web Based OMS

July 21, 2020

The client is a digital company with more than a century of oral healthcare experience, focussing on imaging systems and software designed specifically for endodontists to facilitate treatment planning and improve patient care. They manage a vast product range, from intraoral and extraoral imaging equipment to CAD/CAM solutions and imaging analysis software to practice management systems.

Client required a device interface which would enable the real-time, on-request transmission of patient vital signs remotely from a patient monitoring system to their Windows based Oral Management System (OMS)

The device in question is the core offering of a long established and leading global developer, manufacturer, and supplier of medical devices, and whose products are used in healthcare facilities in over 190 countries and regions.

The adapter would request for a recording, check whether the monitor is connected and active, collect such details of the vital signs of the patient as Heart rate, Respiration rate, Systolic/Diastolic BP, CO2 etc) and even initiate the capture of vital sign reading - for e.g. inflating the sphygmomanometer cuff to get a BP reading. Snapshot mode would enable data collection for the current time only but using the start/stop option, data can be collected for an extended time period, for example, 10 minutes In this case, the interface was required to read data into a file every 10 seconds, once a recording is started.

The DIAP protocol, which is a proprietary request/reply, non-continuous protocol was used for communicating with the Patient Monitoring System. Cyclic Redundancy Check(CRC) was used for confirming that the data received is not corrupted while the Dynamic Link Library (DLL) communicates with the patient monitor.

Although the functional (non functional) requirements were straightforward, the offshore team had to overcome quite a few challenges , the major one being - no access to the patient monitoring device, till the very last moment, due to some logistics issues. The development team initially had to work using a simulator, creating the communication port therein and coding in the proprietary protocol without any support. In this stage any debugging was based on the simulator behaviour. Once the device came to hand, proper testing could be done and the system was up and running quickly.

In spite of the logistics & coordination issues, the project was completed well within the deadline due to the initiative shown by the team.

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