Today, when you search online for a certain type of product, you are going to find a seemingly never-ending list of options. Due to this fact, today, the most significant brand differentiator is a company's customer service. In fact, it's estimated that as many as 90 percent of all buyers are going to be willing to pay more if they are guaranteed a better experience. This alone proves how important great customer service is to your business.
Due to the importance of customer service, modern companies are looking for a way to find better methods of analyzing the overall customer service experience. This is when data science really shines.
Do you know what big data is? If not, you aren't alone. Put simply, it is actually very big sets of information. When used to your advantage, big data has the ability to show various trends, patterns or associations that may be present regarding human behavior or interactions. Here, you can learn more about the impact of big data on customer service today.
1. A Personal Approach to Customer Service
No one wants to be just "another customer." With the help of big data, your customers can turn into individuals � and you have the power to learn about their unique preferences. By using this type of system, you won't be using the "one size fits all" solution, but instead, treat each client as an individual. By doing this, you are going to effectively expand your loyal customer base, which is a huge driver of long-term business.
One study was even able to show a five percent increase in total customer retention can result in more than a 25 percent increase in total profits. Do you wonder how this is possible? It's simple � analysis from big data is able to take into account all of the actions taken by former buyers to determine personal preferences.
2. Multi-Channel Data Collection Helps You Identify The Needs of the Customer
If you don't have multi-channel support in place, contemporary customer service is virtually impossible. Remember, you have no two buyers that are exactly the same. There are some that prefer email support, while others want to speak with someone on the phone. You also have other modes of communication, too, including social media, live chat, and channels such as Skype. You have to ensure all customers and their communication needs are accessed, but also ensure all these communication channels run efficiently.
By collecting your customer's data on a variety of different channels, you can easily identify their wants and needs. Most companies collect consumer data on their website, social media channels and even via email exchanges. Getting to know your consumer will help you serve them better in the long run.
With data analysis, you can find out what needs to be done with each communication channel and know where there's room for improvement. You can also use log analysis and log management by Loggly to better understand when issues arise. Without big data, the ability to improve customer service support methods would be low, or completely non-existent.
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3. Ability to Solve Customer Problems More Efficiently
How many calls does your customer service department receive daily? Hundreds? Thousands? Even though many calls are going to be easily handled, there are times the agent may get a unique request or question.
With big data, it's possible to detect and analyze all types of variations of user questions, as well as the proper answers. It can be used for determining the best, most accurate explanations for any type of inquiry, and then compile it in a thorough set of guidelines for the customer service department. This can help the agents significantly improve their ability to solve your customer's problems.

Source - Pixabay
4. Reduce Total Response Time
When it comes to a successful customer service department, timing is everything. No one wants to have to wait � especially not those who are helping to make your business profit.
When you implement big data and use all data science has to offer, it won't be a challenge to figure out the response time for each of your customer service agents, across all of your communication methods. With this information available, you can also determine the strong and weak areas present in your current procedures and make the effort to improve the ones that aren't very efficient.
If you want to improve your customer service, and ensure your agents have all the tools and information necessary to do this, then you need to begin using data science. If you aren't, you are missing out on something that can help you improve overall productivity of your customer service agents, and customer satisfaction levels.